Educational programs
Education Program - The Foundation can provide assistance in the education of children with physical or mental disabilities, including the provision of specialized textbooks and teaching aids.

The Foundation can assist in the education of children with disabilities in physical or mental development, including the provision of special educational literature and educational supplies.

Training of personnel for education and upbringing, psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation of students with disabilities, children with disabilities. Constant training, study of foreign experience and acquaintance with the latest achievements of modern science – all this is necessary for the successful treatment of children.

The task of the education system is to ensure equal access to high–quality educational services for all children, regardless of the level and characteristics of their development, social status, place of residence and other circumstances. Including those who, for health reasons, cannot attend an educational institution and need to be educated at home. Distance learning for sick and disabled children is necessary due to the peculiarities of the development of the education system.  Distance learning is a way of organizing the learning process based on the use of modern IT technologies that allow for distance learning without direct contact between the teacher and the student. The educational environment is organized directly at the child's home. The student is provided with educational equipment by the foundation: a computer, a printer, a scanner, a tablet, a webcam. Students will have the opportunity to participate in creative, practice-oriented and research projects, as well as live communication with their teachers, classmates and friends.

     In addition, students' motivation for the learning process increases dramatically, because computer technology is modern, practical and this is something that will undoubtedly be useful when choosing a future life route.

To start distance education, parents must provide the foundation administration with a document stating that there are no contraindications to working on a computer.

Assistance to parents (legal representatives) of children with disabilities and children with disabilities in preparing children for independent life.

The trend of increasing the number of children with disabilities and children with disabilities dictates the need to constantly support parents (legal representatives) of children with disabilities and children with disabilities in preparing children for independent life. At the present stage, there are all conditions for the preparation of a child for independent life to be carried out in stages and continuously, starting from an early age: from mastering the simplest self-service skills, the ability to communicate with other people to getting an education and a profession. The task of the specialists is to organize and implement continuous support for the child. The task of parents is to understand the importance of the process, to help specialists and the child. 

The Foundation can assist parents (legal representatives) of children with disabilities and children with disabilities in preparing children for independent life with educational and developmental programs for both the child and parents, informative brochures and memos. Parents will become participants in training programs, receive information and methodological assistance in the upbringing, education and care of children with disabilities, with disabilities.

Social adaptation of children with disabilities, training in professions based on their interests and providing equipment for their self-employment at home. Children with disabilities who are in boarding schools and specialized schools are taught and educated according to specially designed programs, including the formation of self-service skills, household orientation, learning to read, write and count at preschool and school age. From the age of 12, work skills are taught, which are fixed in educational and production workshops. It has been established that children with mental retardation by adolescence can master not only labor, but also some professional skills: seamstresses, carpenters, programmers, artists, cooks, etc. This allows them to adapt to society in the future in the presence of certain social and living conditions.

The Foundation can assist children with disabilities in learning professions based on their interests, including providing equipment for their self-employment at home: a sewing machine, a computer, a tablet, a set for painting, cooking, etc.